My Journey Here
After growing up in Austin, Texas, my life and journey has taken me in lots of different directions, all of which have been instrumental in preparing me for this role as a counselor. My education took me to San Antonio to get my Bachelors in Psychology from UT San Antonio and to Dallas to get my Master's in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary. My missions experience has not only taken me to every continent except Australia and the Antarctic, but has also broadened my perspective beyond my own ethnocentrism and allowed me to engage in spiritual conversations from a great number of different perspectives. Then my college ministry experience with Campus Crusade for Christ took me straight into the hearts and lives of the many young women who I discipled and mentored. Finally, my work with Campus Ministry Toolbox has taught me the immense importance of mobilizing believers into their God given roles.
All of this I can now see retrospectively was a part of God's way of preparing me to open E210 Counseling LLC: helping others get to know themselves as a unique creation of God, figure out who the God who created them is, and determine what His plans are for their lives. I have found my purpose and am working hard to fulfill it, and I am hoping to be able to help many others do the same.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Minor in Communication from UT San Antonio.
Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Licensed Professional Counselor, Awarded by the State Board of Texas
Career and Academic Counseling - fueled by experience mentoring and advising College Students through Cru Discipleship & Austin Community College Student Services, training within my Biblical Counseling degree, and finally by my unique Christ Centered Career Counseling Theory carefully developed since 2013.
Yes! Although my biggest passion is obviously helping you identify your God-given purposes, I can also help you overcome any mental health obstacles that are holding you back from being able to develop your Christ-centered career concept and thrive in that abundant life.
I have served as a general counselor since I first got my LPC license in 2013 and can claim special interest and gifting in the areas of:
Relational Issues
Spiritual Growth/Struggles
Emotional Health and Processing
The following is an explanation of the Core beliefs that heavily influence and guide the Spiritual instruction that I may provide you (with your consent) within E210 Counseling LLC.
All reality falls under the authority of God's power. God is sovereign (in control) over every person, place, thing, and circumstance. Human experience is best understood in light of this truth. Failure to understand this creates a distorted man-centered view of existence. Psalm 139:1–17, Proverbs 16:9, Acts 17:28
The whole Bible is inspired in the sense that holy men of God “were moved by the Holy Spirit” to write Scripture. Therefore, the whole Bible in the original manuscript is without error, and is profitable for our instruction and guidance. Rom 15:4, 1 Cor 2:13, 10:11; 2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21
Scripture is a fountain of living water that flows from the very heart of God. It consumes the barren soil of self-reliance, and promotes a harvest rooted in the worship of God. It is from these ever-flowing waters that the River of Life, found in the person of Jesus Christ, is revealed. Sufficient for the most parched of souls, Christ alone is the Truth that sets us free. Heb 4:12; Jn 8:32, 1:1–5
A proper view of the psychology of Man acknowledges that humanity's greatest ill is sin. The active sinful desires that emanate from the human heart serve always to move individuals away from God. The hostile, deceptive agenda of such desires promote destruction and corruption within the heart and life of Man. Biblical counsel points clients to the Active Redeemer that they through Him might effectively confront and crucify the flesh. Rom 7:14–23; Gal 5:19–21, 6:7–8, Eph 4:22–23
God created sinless, spiritual beings, known as angels; one sinned through pride, thereby becoming Satan; a great company of the angels followed him in his moral fall, some of whom became demons and are active as his agents and associates in the prosecution of his unholy purposes against God and mankind. Isa 14:12-17, Ez 28:11; 1 Tim 3:6; 2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6
The Biblical message of sin, depravity, repentance, forgiveness and sanctification is built upon the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and His glorious resurrection. Faith in Christ alone brings freedom from both the penalty and power of sin. Man is unable to find freedom or peace by himself or in himself. It is only in Christ that man can draw near to God, have his sins forgiven, receive the hope of eternal life and experience the protecting power of God. Rom 1:16, 1 Cor 15:3–4, Gal 1:7, Heb 9:22, 1 Pet 1:3-5
The Holy Spirit is promised to dwell in every believer. He is the source of all power and all acceptable worship and service. He never takes His departure from the Church, nor from the lowliest of believers, but is ever present to empower the believer and assure their continued salvation through any number of mistakes. When believers neglect to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit they begin to exhibit signs of worldliness and experience a lack of joy and other fruits of the Spirit. In these instances, God as our Father may take it upon Himself to discipline His children and help bring them back to a fruitful relationship with Him. Jn 7:37-39, 14:16-17, Rom 8:2, 4, 12-13, 15-16; Gal 5:16-23; 1 Cor 6:19, Eph 2:22, 3:18-19; Heb 12:6
Life is never taking place randomly. All of life is intended to bring forth freeing conformity to the image of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit. Even painful and complex circumstances are meant to achieve this end. The more believers depend on the Holy Spirit to guide them through life, the more they are conformed to the image of Christ, the more equipped they become to glorify God in all things. Eph 4:24; Rom 8:28–29; 2 Pet 3:18; 2 Cor 5:17
As believers grow in their dependence upon the Holy Spirit, they will begin to discover the special gifts for helping fulfill the Great Commission (something all believers are called to be a part of) and the good works that the Father has given them to accomplish. These gifts should be cultivated and strengthened for the purpose of believers fulfilling the plan that the Father has for their lives. 1 Cor 12:4-11; Matt 28: 16-20; Eph 2:10
God's passion for His glory and our desire for happiness are not at odds. He is most magnified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Therefore He passionately pursues our greatest good in our eternal satisfaction in Him. Gospel centered counsel points clients to the source of their deepest and longest lasting joy – Christ. The counseling process is one of fighting for this eternal joy. Ps 16:11, Phil 4:4, Jer 2:19.