E210 Seminars

Thank you for your interest in E210 Seminars. Please familiarize yourself with The E210 Theory and Method above and then review all the options for teaching different aspects and applications of it in the seminars below. When you’re ready, you may use the form below the options to request the seminars that would work best for you and your organization.

Note: The name of the seminar(s) you select may be updated to have greater appeal to your context


E210 Theory & Method: Counselor & Mentor Basics

1 hr - $300

A basic overview of the E210 Theory and Method and how to implement it with your clients or disciples. For professional counselors and others in the practice of meeting with people regularly to help develop their career concept.

Eligible for 1 CEU for Professional Counselors.


Navigating Transition in Christ-Centered Careers

1 hr - $300

When it’s time to move on from a consistent role in our life - whether it’s parenthood, time overseas as a missionary, or any other long-term job or role in our career - we can experience disorientation and discomfort. This seminar provides an overview of how to find your anchor in Christ, work through the grief that comes with transition, and utilize the E210 Theory & Method to update your career concept towards your best way forward.


Avoiding Burnout in Christ-Centered Careers

30 mins - $150

An overview of how to ensure your Christ-centered career is following God’s design for your life to be healthy and sustainable in your service to Him. Great for anyone in vocational ministry.

Note: This seminar does not cover The E210 Method for Christ-Centered Career Development.


The E210 Theory & Method In-Depth

3 hrs - $900

A comprehensive overview of the E210 Theory and Steps of The E210 Method. Great for churches and organizations wanting to equip their members to find their unique contributions to the Great Commission. Each hour of the seminar should be accompanied by breaks to enable time for participants to complete worksheets, have group discussions, and have personal prayer time. The seminar could be completed all in one day, over a weekend retreat, or across 3 consecutive meetings.

E210 Theory & Method: Across the Ages

1 hr - $300

A basic overview of the E210 Theory and Method and how one might develop their career concept at each stage of life: childhood, adolescence, college, young adult, middle life, & retirement. Great for multi-generational church meetings.


Finding the best job for your CHrist-Centered career

1.5 hrs - $450

While our jobs are only part of our careers, it is still important that they serve their purpose well so that we can serve ours. This seminar teaches how to use the E210 Theory & Method to build a complete career concept so that it is clear what role of your career your job is meant to play. And it provides helpful tips and strategies for pursuing a better-fitting job. Great for anyone considering or undergoing a job change.


Marriage in Christ-Centered Careers

30 mins - $150

The pursuit of marriage and a Christ-centered career can feel at odds with one another from time to time. This quick seminar shares how we can trust that in God’s sovereignty, it’s all part of the same wonderful plan. Great for singles and married believers.

Note: This seminar does not cover The E210 Method for Christ-Centered Career Development.


Custom Seminar

$200 per 30 min

Not seeing exactly what you need? Want a seminar catered to your context? No problem! A seminar of any length, covering any aspect of the E210 Theory, Method, and applications of them, can be developed just for your organization.

College Decisions 101

1 hr - $300

A basic overview of the E210 Theory and Method and how to use it to help make the best decisions in college. Declaring a major, developing well-rounded degree plans, joining the right organizations, and personalizing study habits & self-care, are all decisions that can benefit or burden your career in college. This seminar is great for high school students, students already in college, and for the parents hoping to guide them.


Retirement in Christ-Centered Careers

30 mins - $150

Too often we hold the belief that retiring from our jobs is the start of insignificance in this world. This quick seminar rejects that lie and builds the foundations for how to continue to develop your career concept and fulfill your God-given purposes all the way to your transition to Heaven (where your next roles await you).

Note: This seminar does not cover The E210 Method for Christ-Centered Career Development.


Parenting in Christ-Centered Careers

30 mins - $150

This quick seminar provides an overview of the E210 Theory and Decision-making model and applies it to decisions for what kind of working or non-working parent you decide to be. It also provides a foundation for how to be a Christ-centered career coach to your children.

Note: This seminar does not cover The E210 Method for Christ-Centered Career Development.


Seminar Request Form

Please Note: After booking, the title of the seminar(s) you select may be updated to better communicate or promote the event.

Hosting a Seminar?

The Masterpiece book is a great addition to any seminar for more in-depth understanding and application of The E210 Theory and Method. Discounted prices are available for group orders!

Group Order Request Form