Taking Inventory



3 Worksheets for You

Before you can begin to understand what you are made for, you first must understand how you are made. Complete these 3 worksheets to help you get your Autology (your on-going study of yourself in terms of skills, interests, passions, and relationships, etc) started, and begin taking inventory of everything you’ve already learned to be true of yourself.

You’ve already lived a long life of experiences and job roles. Take the time now to collect all the lessons you’ve learned about what helps you to feel inspired, energetic, functioning at your best, and what breaks you down and causes you to struggle.

Click on the worksheets to complete them online (be sure to save/print before navigating away), download a version to complete on your device, or print a hard copy to complete by hand.


2 Worksheets for Friends and Family

The trouble with taking a personal inventory is that we all have blindspots when it comes to ourselves. It can be very easy to overlook what makes us exceptional or our general habits and patterns. Sending these two worksheets to your friends and family can help you fill in these gaps in self-awareness.



After completing the skills and interest inventory you may have identified some gaps in your Autology. Personal assessments can be a great way of helping you discover the answers to the questions you have about how you’re made. There are many assessments out there that are helpful. These assessments are low in cost and a great place to get started. Be sure to answer all questions based on your most typical self, not your most ideal self. And remember, you always have the final say of what is true of you. These are just tools to help you identify more truth.




Everything that you learn in Step 1 will culminate in these two Master Lists. Instead of having random notes, journal entires, assessments scattered all over the place, you will have everything you’ve learned to be true of yourself in two easy to reference places. The documents will never be complete, because you are never complete but always growing and developing. So expect to keep adding as you learn more!

Once you have your master lists completed with everything you have learned from the worksheets in Step 1 then you’re ready to move on to Step 2.

For a more in depth overview of how to use these resources to support the development of your career concept check out the book “Masterpiece: Develop the Christ-Centered Life and Career You Were Made For”

And to have a partner on your career development journey, book a session with Alyssa Williams, founder of E210 Counseling and Developer of The E210 Theory and Method for Christ-Centered Development.