$50 off 1 "College Decisions 101" Session

〰️ $125 off the "College Decisions Masterclass" 5 Session Package

〰️ See Bottom of Page for Details 〰️

$50 off 1 "College Decisions 101" Session 〰️ $125 off the "College Decisions Masterclass" 5 Session Package 〰️ See Bottom of Page for Details 〰️

E210 College Prep & Navigation

Building Christ-Centered Careers from the Start


E210 Services

  • A very common point of stress for those entering or working their way college or university is determining the course of study in which they should major and perhaps additionally minor. Knowing how much it will dictate future opportunities can often lead to decisions made out of fear rather than a place of well-developed personal insight (aka good Autology).

    The E210 Method can help these students engage in a process of self-discovery that will lead to far better declarations of academic interest and aptitude that can be carried on long after they graduate.

  • An Academic Degree plan consists of more than just getting all the boxes checked off for a student’s major. It also represents opportunity to develop other areas of interest that may not apply directly to their degree, as most colleges/universities require that students engage in elective courses as well.

    Often the decision-making process for choosing these classes consists of what leads to the easiest schedule or what is the easiest A. But with E210’s help, students will be assisted in recognizing the opportunities these classes represent for preparing for the other roles and opportunities they may have in the future outside of their anticipated paying jobs. God cares about every role in our lives, not just the ones that come with titles and a paycheck. Why not allow the college experience develop those other future roles and possible ways to serve the Lord?

  • Beyond a student’s choice of classes, a student has a multitude of additional opportunities for personal development while on a college/university campus. Often the reason a student joins a group may be simply because they already know a few students in the group, or because the organization gave out free hamburgers on the first day of classes.

    However, the organizations a student gets involved in often has just as much impact in their career paths post graduation as their actual degree plans. This is a decision (or a series of decisions) best made from a place of self-awareness that is fueled by studying how God made them (as a way to discern God’s intentions for their life). The E210 Method can help them find the right matches for them.

  • It is entirely possible to get through an entire academic career and still have little to no study skills or habits. But E210 can help students gain insight into what kind of study methods and habits would suit their personal temperament and unique way of learning.

  • For many students, college represents the first steps into adulthood and independence. The freedom that is felt here can be fun at first, but then panic and burden can set in when they truly begin to feel the fatigue of not taking care of themselves. This goes beyond issues of diet and exercise, but also being self-aware enough to know what refreshes their mind. What recharges them as a person. What fills their tank back up at the end of the day, so they can get back to work the next. E210 can help prepare the students with good autology (ongoing self study) skills to help them know what to do when they’re done having crazy fun, and genuinely want to start taking care of themselves.

    For students who are engaging in college later in life, this service is most often still a very necessary area to cover as even after we’ve been taking care of ourselves for years, we don’t often do a great job at it. We can all benefit from taking the time to make sure we’re as supported as we could be in our life/career.

All E210 Counseling Sessions are held online from wherever (in the State of Texas) the student feels comfortable, can have a private conversation, and can maintain a good wifi signal. For more information on having career counseling sessions online, click here.

For Sessions involving parents, caretakers, and other members of the family, only the student making the college decision needs to be in the State of Texas for sessions, as they will be the only one considered a “client” and other members of the sessions will be considered “advocates.”


Special Offers for Graduating Seniors, Class of 2024!

Request by emailing alyssa@E210counseling.com

  • In this 90min session, usually valued at $180, a student will be provided with an opportunity to review the 5 major areas of the E210 services for College Preparation and Navigation, and receive brief personalized guidance in each area.

    The goal of this type of session is to to set the tracks for the student to run on as they engage in their college experience and develop their autology (ongoing study of themselves), all leading to better decision-making when the time is right.

    These sessions can also be used to help the whole family learn together the best way to make college decisions and get on the same page about the best way forward for the student. Additional sessions may be booked to work through on-going family tensions regarding the student’s future in college.

  • This 5, 1hr session, package, usually valued at $600, enables a student to thoroughly cover each area of the E210 services for College Preparation and Navigation, and receive more personalized guidance in each area than would be possible in the “College Decisions 101.” Students receive not only the tracks to run on to continually make the best decisions while in college, but are provided the time to start the decision-making process (both in and out of session) with the career counselor providing guidance and feedback on their process.

    This is best completed before students start classes, but is possible to continue once engaged in college as long as their college/university is in the State of Texas.