$50 off 1 "New Professional Starter Session"

〰️ $125 off the "New Professional Premier 5 Session Package" 〰️

See Bottom of Page for Details 〰️

$50 off 1 "New Professional Starter Session" 〰️ $125 off the "New Professional Premier 5 Session Package" 〰️ See Bottom of Page for Details 〰️

E210 Career Counseling

The best way to honor the incredible thoughtfulness God put into your design, is by taking the time to allow each and every part of you find its place in your well-rounded life/career. It’s time for some Christ-centered career counseling.

E210 Services

  • Your career does not begin and end with the job that you get paid for. It is better defined as the sum total of all the roles in your life because which part of your life does God not care about? Every role should be thoughtfully developed as the key piece of God’s design that it is. Your paying job(s), your roles as family or friend, your opportunities to volunteer and get involved in the world around you, even your time on your own, they all add up to one career that only altogether allows for full expression of the career and path God planned for you.

  • Your whole career may not be encapsulated in your one job, but for many of us, that one just does play a major part in our lives. Best for it to be one that reflects how God made you, and in that way follows part of His plan for your life.

  • Each and everyone one of God’s children have been made new by Christ in order to accomplish good works. But it can be hard to discern what those good works are supposed to be, especially when we limit ourselves to preconceived notions of “Christian jobs.” There is no short list of ways to serve our King, and the ways that you contribute to the Kingdom are going to match the way He made you!

  • Healthy relationships, hobbies, passion projects, and any number of things could be on your list of supporting roles in your career that keep you going day after day as a servant of our King Jesus. These roles need to be just as specified to your unique design as your job and as your roles where you directly serve God. Everything in your career must follow your design because God is a careful and thoughtful designer!

Don’t put off finding your purpose in life any longer, get started now by requesting a session.


The E210 Virtual Office

All E210 Counseling LLC sessions area held online, and are available for clients anywhere in the state of Texas. Simply press the “request session” button above and you can get started now!


Come check out my cozy online office in Part 1 of this series introducing you to online career counseling with me and E210 Counseling LLC.

Not sure what to expect in an online career counseling session with E210 Counseling LLC? Well then, allow Part 3 of this intro series to enlighten you!

  • For those who live outside of Texas, but would still like to receive personalized career counseling online, email Alyssa Williams directly at alyssa@E210Counseling.com to see what can be done for you. Direct counseling (for a limited time, depending on your state laws), consultation for your local counselor, and resources may all be arranged for you.

  • “General Counseling” appointments are available only for counseling relationships with Alyssa Williams previous to her transition to E210 Counseling LLC. These clients are always encouraged to book sessions for follow up care.

    All new clients should be looking to receive Christian Career Counseling as their primary counseling goal.

  • Session fees vary according to session time but are generally about $120 an hour. If you find yourself wanting to receive career counseling with E210 Counseling LLC, but find the cost of sessions prohibitive please contact Alyssa Williams directly at alyssa@E210Counseling.com. A plan can be made for you to receive the counseling you need at a price you can afford.

Wondering what platform we’ll use for your online counseling?

E210 Counseling LLC uses an online platform called “Simple Practice” for all of your online counseling needs. Your sessions, files, payments, are all in one secure, easy to use, location.


Special Offers for Graduating College Seniors, Class of 2024!

Request by emailing alyssa@E210counseling.com

  • In this 90min session, (usually valued at $180 now only $150), you will be provided with an opportunity to review the basic tenants of the E210 Theory and Method, and receive brief personalized guidance in each area.

    The goal of this type of session is to to set the tracks for you as a new professional to run on as you embark on your journey to find satisfying and God-honoring job roles.

  • This package of 5 1 hour sessions, (usually valued at $600, now only $475), enables you as a new professional hitting the workforce to thoroughly cover each area of the E210 services for a well-rounded and Christ-centered career. You’ll receive more personalized guidance in each area than would be possible in the “New Professional Starter Session.” You receive not only the tracks to run on to continually make the best decisions while job hunting, but are provided the time and support to process your journey as you interview and search for possible jobs.

    If the job hunt takes you outside of the State of Texas, all 5 sessions of your premiere package will need to be completed before you move.