E210 Video Gallery

Learn more about E210 Counseling and The E210 Christ-Centered Career Theory and Method with these fun and helpful videos!


Not everyone has a job, but everyone certainly has a career. How is this possible? Find out with this short video!


Two new friends talk about a great new book that you can buy on Amazon right now!


Come check out my cozy online office in Part 1 of this series introducing you to online career counseling with me, Alyssa Williams.


Is online career counseling affordable? Spoiler Alert: YES! It is! Learn more in Part 2 of your Intro to Online Career Counseling


Not sure what to expect in an online career counseling session with E210 Counseling LLC? Well then, allow Part 3 of this intro series to enlighten you!


Curious about how you'll fit E210 Counseling LLC into your schedule? Watch Part 4 of this Intro to Online Career Counseling and find out!


Wondering what role the counselor plays in your career development? Learn about the counselor's part in the process in the final video of the Intro to Online Career Counseling series.


Masterpiece Video Series Coming Soon!

Not much of a book reader? Maybe you rather watch a series of videos covering the same content? Well you're in luck! Instead of reading Masterpiece the book, you can watch the Masterpiece Video Series! Soon you can purchase this video series to help you develop the Christ-Centered Life and Career You Were Made For!