Building Roles
Building Roles Worksheets
Use these worksheets to take everything you learned to be true of yourself from Step 1 (collected on your Master Lists) and dream about the roles that could be built from your God designed building blocks.
Click on the worksheets to complete them online (be sure to save/print before navigating away), download a version to complete on your device, or print a hard copy to complete by hand.
Exploring Ideas and Opportunities
While dreaming about all of your potential career roles you may find yourself wondering if a role you’re considering really is what you think it is. There are many ways you could go about investigating and exploring the possible career roles out there. You could interview someone already in the job role using the Investigating Roles worksheet as your guide. This worksheet utilizes your master lists and helps you to create a personalized set of questions that can help you learn what you need to know about the role, and not just about the person with whom you’re talking.
Other great ways of learning about the opportunities out there, and how they might fit God’s design and plans for you, include Job Shadowing, Volunteering, Job Databases like O*Net, and Company Review Sites like Glassdoor.

Develop Your Theology
As you’re dreaming of your potential roles you may need some inspiration of what your best leading roles may be. Don’t forget to keep your designer in mind and remember that your leading roles are found at the nexus of what you care about and what God cares about. Step 1 hopefully helped you lay a good foundation of your Autology, but you if you need help building up your Theology, here are some resources to help you get to know who God’s character, values, passions, and plans.

When you feel as though you’re ready to start making some official career decisions, you’re ready to move on to Step 3
For a more in depth overview of how to use these resources to support the development of your career concept check out the book “Masterpiece: Develop the Christ-Centered Life and Career You Were Made For”
And to have a partner on your career development journey, book a session with Alyssa Williams, founder of E210 Counseling and Developer of The E210 Theory and Method for Christ-Centered Development.