Prioritizing Roles



Discerning Roles

In Steps 1 and 2, you developed your Autology and dreamed of all the ways your God-given attributes could combine into enjoyable and fulfilling career roles. Now it’s time to combine that insight with your Theology (God’s character, values, passions, and plans for the world) and your awareness of the God-given Opportunities around you. Where these three insights overlap, you will find your best career roles. 


Leading roles allow you to directly contribute to building God’s Kingdom (helping people know God for the first time or better than before.) 

Supporting roles allow you to be sustained in your service to God and His Kingdom by refreshing and recharging your ability to get back to work. 


Prioritizing Roles Worksheet

When you have evaluated your current opportunities and dreams for the future and are ready to develop a clear picture of your current career, you can complete this prioritization worksheet. This enables you to discern your most strategic and God-honoring way to allocate your time and energy in your current career concept.

Click on the worksheet to complete it online (be sure to save/print before navigating away), download a version to complete on your device, or print a hard copy to complete by hand.


Once you have completed Step 3 and have a well-developed current career concept to follow you are done with the E210 Career Method. For Now…

You Will continue to GRow and Your Circumstances will change. KeEp yourself moving Forward by Continuously Keeping Your Autology Up to Date and Your Career Concept Open to Developments.


For a more in depth overview of how to use these resources to support the development of your career concept check out the book “Masterpiece: Develop the Christ-Centered Life and Career You Were Made For”

And to have a partner on your career development journey, book a session with Alyssa Williams, founder of E210 Counseling and Developer of The E210 Theory and Method for Christ-Centered Development.