E210 Wellness Subscription

If you are the leader of a church staff team, a faith-based organization, or a spiritual development program, ensuring your members are following their God-given design toward a healthy and sustainable service to the Lord isn’t always an easy task. Especially considering how often people will feel lost or fatigued in their career choices for quite some time before they speak up and ask for support. 

The E210 Wellness Subscription is a way to ensure that your members have the foundational perspectives, and ongoing support in their individual Christ-centered careers without adding more to your own plate. 


Subscription Services

  • The Foundations Seminar is a great way to introduce your entire membership to The E210 Theory & Method for building healthy and sustainable Christ-centered careers.

    Concepts taught in these seminars/sessions will include:

    • What is a healthy and sustainable Christ-centered career?

    • How does a believer make confident career decisions for healthy service to the Lord?

    • How can I be fully present in my current career roles while simultaneously developing my career concept for healthy long-term service to the Lord?

    • Plus customized topics that speak to areas of struggle you typically see the members of your organization experience.

    If you have a development program, this 1-hour seminar will be coordinated with the introductory elements of your program.

    If you have a staff team for a church or a consistent organization of people, you will be provided this seminar when you first start your monthly subscription. Then, once your current staff has this foundation, all new hires will be provided the same on-boarding training, either in individual 1-hour sessions or additional group seminars.

  • When it is time for the members of your organization to wrap up their time with you, you can use this service to help them feel faithfully sent toward their next mission for the Lord, and confident in their next career decisions.

    Concepts taught in these seminars/sessions include:

    • How to process what they’ve learned about themselves while in service with your organization and translate them into confident career decisions.

    • How to navigate pursuing new professional roles in job fields and ministry, utilizing their increased knowledge of the way God designed them.

    • How to continue to develop their career concept if they don’t already have their new career role(s) determined.

    • Plus personalized feedback on career decisions for those receiving 1x1 sessions.

    For development programs, the 1-hour Sending Seminar will be coordinated with the final elements of your program.

    For staff teams, 1-hour individual or group sessions will be scheduled for off-boarding staff as needed.

  • At any point, members of your organization could need support with:

    • Adjusting to a new role

    • Working their way through a challenging program

    • Learning their uniquely designed ways to rest & recharge

    • Developing a full career concept

    or any number of concerns that could hinder their ability to have a healthy, sustainable, well-rounded, Christ-centered career.

    All of The E210 Wellness Subscriptions offer monthly career support sessions to offer this personalized care your members need. When you start your subscription, be sure to consider how many sessions a month your members might require and pick the package that best meets those needs.

    Note: Monthly session limits include any 1-hour on-boarding and off-boarding individual sessions.

  • At any point, a member of your organization may request an individual career support session that puts your organization over your monthly limit. Fortunately, this service offers the possibility of booking that additional session for the discounted rate of your subscription package. The 1-hour session fee, normally $120, can be paid either by your organization or privately by the member. Either way, the session is eligible for the discount.

    Note: While all efforts to schedule additional sessions will be made, they cannot be guaranteed. Only the session limit for your subscription package can be guaranteed each month.

  • The people you have in leadership over other members of your organization, find themselves on the front lines of career conversations consistently, whether they recognize it or not. Monthly Leadership Coaching provides a way to support these leaders (i.e., Senior Staff Members, Mentors, Disciplers, etc) in guiding the rest of your members in their career health and development.

    Developing their understanding of The E210 Theory & Method, as well as helping them work through particularly tough career development cases, is all a part of the Standard and Premium subscription packages. Meetings are 1 hour.

  • If you cannot find an E210 Wellness Subscription Package that meets the needs of your organization or membership, then a custom subscription package may be designed for you!

    You may choose from the services listed above and combine them in the manner best suited to your needs. As with requesting an existing subscription package, a custom package may be requested by completing the form below.

  • Providing the book “Masterpiece: Develop the Christ-Centered Life and Career You Were Made For” is a fantastic way of building up your member's career foundations and methods for ongoing career development.

    Submitting a group order is a great way to provide this resource at a discounted rate! Click here for the group order form.


Subscription Request Form

This service is currently only offered for organizations within the State of Texas. If you are outside of the State of Texas but would like your members to receive Christ-centered career training, please see the seminars page

If you are inside the State of Texas, The E210 Wellness Subscription is provided to you either in person at your location or virtually in the E210 Counseling Virtual Office. No Need to Travel!